APRIL 2021 Prophetic Focus for all – I know you were blessed with the March 2021 Prophetic Focus for all of us. Once again, here is the prophetic focus for all of us for the month of April 2021. This one is special. It’s AFTER THE CROSS- Hebrews 9 vs 16-17. With this, you work on yourselves spiritually. In fact, it’s to enable you to harness the entire benefit God revealed to us through His word after the Cross. If the resurrections of Christ meant anything to you, this is the time to appropriate them to yourselves.
APRIL 2021 Prophetic Focus for All is AFTER THE CROSS:
In April 2021, the prophetic focus for all individuals and communities centered around a powerful theme: “After the Cross.” This profound message encapsulated the significance of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ, highlighting the transformative power and abundant blessings that await believers as they journey beyond the cross. As the world navigated through a challenging period, this prophetic focus served as a guiding light, reminding people of the hope, redemption, and new beginnings that can be found in embracing the message of the cross.
What do church members learn from APRIL 2021 Prophetic Focus for All is AFTER THE CROSS?
During the April 2021 Prophetic Focus of “After the Cross,” church members had the opportunity to delve deeper into the lessons and revelations associated with the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Here are some key teachings that church members might have learned from this prophetic focus:
- Redemption and Forgiveness: The focus emphasized the foundational message of the cross, which is the redemption and forgiveness of sins through Jesus’ sacrifice. Church members would have been reminded of the magnitude of God’s love and grace, understanding that through faith in Christ, they can experience forgiveness and a restored relationship with God.
- Transformation and New Life: The message of “After the Cross” emphasized the transformative power of Jesus’ resurrection. Church members learned that just as Jesus triumphed over death, they too can experience a new life in Him. It highlighted the possibility of leaving behind old patterns, habits, and mindsets and embracing a renewed and purposeful existence in Christ. APRIL 2021 Prophetic Focus for All.
- Hope and Victory: The focus instilled a sense of hope and victory in the hearts of church members. It reminded them that even during challenges, trials, and uncertainties, they can find strength and assurance in the finished work of the cross. It encouraged them to hold on to the promise of eternal life and the hope of Christ’s return.
- Discipleship and Commission: “After the Cross” also emphasized the call to discipleship and spreading the message of the Gospel. Church members learned about their role as ambassadors of Christ, tasked with sharing His love and salvation with others. It reminded them of the importance of living out their faith and being a light in the world.
- Gratitude and Worship: Finally, the focus fostered a spirit of gratitude and worship among church members. It encouraged them to reflect on the immeasurable sacrifice of Jesus and to respond with heartfelt worship, thanksgiving, and surrender. It deepened their appreciation for God’s love and stirred a desire to honor Him in every aspect of their lives. APRIL 2021 Prophetic Focus for All.
Overall, the April 2021 Prophetic Focus of “After the Cross” provided church members with a profound understanding of the cross, its significance, and its transformative power. It inspired them to embrace the message of redemption, live out their faith, and share the hope of Christ with others.
APRIL 2021 Prophetic Focus for All
How It Works:
As a matter of fact, because it is a spiritual exercise, you are to work on yourself. On the other hand, Ministers are to adapt their messages to bring to bear on the members the benefits we enjoy since After the Cross. This is supposed to impact your daily prayers, bible readings, and messages. If you have comments, please send them through our comment box. For Prayer help and counseling call the number on this page.
Prophetic Resources: APRIL 2021 Prophetic Focus for all
From: General Overseer, Christ the Answer Ministry Inc.
To: All Zones and Branches. and Public
Subject: Prophetic Focus for April 2021
Total Recovery greetings in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
It is no doubt that almost every one of us has a better understanding of the Holy Spirit as it has to do with RIVERS OF LIVING WATERS, my prayer for you is that the RIVERS OF LIVING WATERS will keep flowing through you until Jesus returns. In Jesus’ name Amen.
From the scriptures, we understand that every divine agenda is a sworn verdict. And for that, the Lord will do nothing except reveals them to his servant, the prophet – Isa.14:24/Amos 3:7 Prophetically ‘TOTAL RECOVERY’ has been declared as God’s agenda for us in the Answers’ family. This is for both a Church and individuals for the year 2021. However, to see this prophecy fulfilled, we must, among others:
Receive the prophetic Word in our mind
But what is God saying again through his servant this month of April 2021?
For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified (1 Corinthians 2:2)
The value you place on something or someone determines what you get out of it. If you place a high value on your relationships, you will get the best out of them. Yes, this is literally true for virtually everything in this world. Apostle Paul in the scripture above expresses the high premium he placed on the cross of Jesus. George Bennard (1873-1958) in his classic, the Old Rugged Cross, said he would cherish the old rugged cross. in fact, for him, the cross of Jesus Christ holds a high attraction. Below are some reasons why we should place a high premium on the cross of Jesus.
The Cross: APRIL 2021 Prophetic Focus for all
- The cross is where both the compassion and judgment of God collided. This is because sin had to be punished, Jesus had to become man to pay the penalty on our behalf for the sins of mankind. And so, God because of His love for mankind dealt a hard blow on Jesus on the cross. And that is for mankind to be saved (Romans 5:8). On the other hand, the anger of God on sin was also displayed at Golgotha where Jesus died. God couldn’t behold the sin Jesus bore on that cross. So He turned away and pitch darkness fell on the land from 12 noon to 3 pm (Luke 23:44-45).
Furthermore, APRIL 2021 Prophetic Focus for All
2. The cross is the place of salvation: “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so, must the Son of Man be lifted up. That whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:14-15). The cross of Jesus is representative of the bronze serpent pole that Moses erected in the wilderness. The Israelites were being bitten by snakes. As a fact, the cure for the snake bite was for them to look up and behold the bronze pole (Numbers 2:4-8). The cure for the toxic power of sin is to look up and believe in the cross of Jesus.
3. The cross is the place of crucifixion. “Knowing this, that our old man was crucified with Him that the body of sin might be done away with. And, that we should no longer be SLAVES OF SIN”(Romans 6:6). When Jesus hung on the cross we were united with Him. So the old Adamic carnal nature in us was crucified with Him. Every true child of God is no more in captivity to sin. We are no more under the tyranny, rulership and control of Mister Sinful Nature. We are no longer under obligation to obey our old sinful nature (Romans 8:12).
4. The cross is the place of death – “And Jesus cried out with a loud voice, and breathed His last” (Mark 15:37). Jesus died on the cross around 3 pm after being nailed to the tree for six hours. The more we value and embrace the cross, the more the allurement, pleasure, and fascination of the world wane. Apostle Paul in Galatians 6:14 said, “Because of that cross my interest in all the attractive things of the world was killed long ago, and the world’s interest in me is also dead”. When we fix our gaze on the cross, its attraction trumps the attraction of the world; likewise, when the attraction of the world fascinates us so much, we get distracted from the cross and its wonders. APRIL 2021 Prophetic Focus for All.
5. The cross is the essence of Christianity: Without Good Friday, there wouldn’t be resurrection morning. Because Jesus rose, every child of God has the hope of resurrection. The same power that went into the grave and brought Jesus out is still available today to help us live godly lives, rout out demons, heal the sick, revive dreams and businesses, etc. There is hope for eternal life because Jesus rose.
The Prophetic Focus: APRIL 2021 Prophetic Focus for all
Therefore the Prophetic Focus for the Month of April 2021 is AFTER THE CROSS- Hebrews 9 vs 16-17.
Have you believed this message today? Will you turn from your sin and self-righteous boasts and simply trust in the Lord Jesus Christ who died, was buried, and rose again to save all who believe? This is the message of the cross. Have a blessed new month!
Remain ever Blessed.
Jesus is Lord.
Oliver Ihenyirimba – +234 8036485202
APRIL 2021 Prophetic Focus for All
As you may have needed:
So check out if you have the need for the following topics. So, click to read.
- Importance of singing hymns in praise worship
- Importance of music in church worship
- Worship with music according to the bible
- business start-ups need
- Professional and career tips
- Recruitment needs or
- business management consultancy
- Why is worship in church important

RECOMMENDED TOPICS: APRIL 2021 Prophetic Focus for all
Furthermore, these recommended topics and posts are selected to help enrich your spiritual life. You are expected to visit them for further spiritual enhancement. Just click those of your choices and read. You can in fact, bookmark them for further references.
- This is What Saith the scriptures?
- Standing on the Promises of God
- Gospel Pulpit: See how life flows out of it
- Gospel Summit: This is how it works
- Family Gospel: The Family is Essential to God’s Plan
- Family Gospel: This is how it works
- Gospel Evangelism: Here are the types here
- Gospel Evangelism: This s the way of salvation
Finally, do you have any comments? Send them through our comment box below. Do you also have questions, send them through the comment box too. And if you have any special assistance, then, drop your phone number or email address in the comment box. You will be doing a great what of God if you share this message to reach others. APRIL 2021 Prophetic Focus for All.
As we conclude the April 2021 prophetic focus, we are reminded of the importance of seeking divine guidance and aligning ourselves with God’s purpose. This month has emphasized the need for faith, perseverance, and a steadfast commitment to living according to God’s principles. We have been encouraged to cultivate a deeper relationship with our Creator, allowing His wisdom and direction to guide our steps. As we move forward, let us carry the lessons learned in April with us, remaining open to the Spirit’s leading and trusting in God’s faithfulness. May we continue to grow in our understanding and application of His Word, knowing that He is our source of strength, provision, and ultimate fulfillment. Read more of APRIL 2021 Prophetic Focus for All.