Gospel Pulpit: This is What Saith the scriptures? This is thrust of this site. Emphasis on the word of God. God’s promises are something that He always keeps. They are always in the Bible, Psalm 89:34 “I will not break my covenant, nor change what has come out of my lips.” Do you trust the promises of Go? Then, this segment of gospelpulpit.com will be a blessing to you. Your duty is to bookmark this site ad keep on visiting it for your updates.
God’s promises never fail:
None of God’s promises in the Bible have ever failed. It’s in the Bible, Joshua 23:14, KJA. “… all the promises that Yahweh your God has made in your favor, none – without exception – has not been fulfilled: everything that has been promised has been fulfilled in your favor and no Word of the Eternal has failed.”
God Promises Eternal Life: Gospel Pulpit: This is What Saith the scriptures?
We have been promised eternal life. It’s in the Bible, 1 John 2:25, ARC. “And this is the promise he made to us: eternal life.” God promised salvation to our children. It is in the Bible, Isaiah 49:25, ARC. “Because I will contend with those who contend with you and your children I have redeemed.” God can do the impossible. It is in the Bible, Luke 18:27, KJA. “But he replied: The things that are impossible with men are possible with God.” Gospel Pulpit: This is What Saith the scriptures?
God Promised a New Heart and Forgiveness:
God promised us new hearts and new desires. It’s in the Bible, Ezekiel 36:26, ARC. “And I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you, and I will take the stone heart out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.”
God promised forgiveness: Gospel Pulpit: This is What Saith the scriptures?
It is in the Bible, 1 John 1: 9, KJA. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all injustice.”
God promises that our sins will be removed away from us:
It is in the Bible, Psalm 103: 12, ARC. “As far as the East is from the West, so it transports our transgressions away from us.” We have a promise that our sins will be buried. It’s in the Bible, Micah 7:19, ARC. “He will take pity on us again, subdue our iniquities and cast all our sins into the depths of the sea.”
God’s Promises Include the Holy Spirit: Gospel Pulpit: This is What Saith the scriptures?
He promised the fruit of the Spirit. It is in the Bible, Galatians 5: 22-23, ARC. “But the fruit of the Spirit is: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance. There is no law against these things.”
We have the promise of the Holy Spirit. It’s in the Bible, Luke 11:13, ARC. “For if you, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him?” Gospel Pulpit: This is What Saith the scriptures?
The Holy Spirit will guide you and show you the truth. It’s in the Bible, John 16:13, ARC. “… when that Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth, because he will not speak of himself, but will say everything he has heard and announce to you what is to come.”
God’s promises regarding money, finances, prosperity, and employment:
You will not be short of anything you need – It is in the Bible, Psalm 34: 9-10, KJA. “Fear the LORD, you his saints, for there is nothing lacking for those who fear him. Lions may suffer from hunger, but for those who seek the LORD, they will lack nothing.”
God will take care of your daily needs – It is in the Bible, Matthew 6: 31-34, KJA. “So don’t worry, saying, What will we eat? What are we going to drink? Or: What will we dress with? For it is the pagans who try to obtain all this, but your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. So seek first of all the Kingdom of God and his justice, and all these things will be added to you. Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will bring its own concerns. The evil that each day brings in itself is sufficient. ” Gospel Pulpit: This is What Saith the scriptures?
As you meditate on the Word of God, your path will be prosperous. It’s in the Bible, Joshua 1: 8, KJA.
Hugging: Gospel Pulpit: This is What Saith the scriptures?
“May the book of Torah, Law, always be on your lips: meditate on it day and night, so that you may take care to act in accordance with everything written in it. In this way you will be victorious in all your endeavors and you will be successful! ”
Test God, see if He will bless you more than you can handle. It is in the Bible, Malachi 3: 10-11, KJA. “Bring therefore all tithes to the Temple’s deposit, so that there may be food in my House, and test me in this,” assures the Lord of hosts, “and prove with your own eyes whether I will not open the floodgates of heaven, and if I will not pour out so many blessings on you, that you will not even be able to keep them all. I will also prevent plagues from eating your crops, and the vines in the fields will not lose their fruit!”, promises Yahweh.” Gospel Pulpit: This is What Saith the scriptures?
God promises to supply all of our needs.
All of our needs will be provided. It’s in the Bible, Philippians 4:19, KJA. “But my God will supply all your needs, according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.”
God gave the best that He had, giving us His only begotten Son. It is in the Bible, Romans 8:32, KJA. “He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for all of us, how can he not grant us, along with him, free of charge, all other things?”
God does not hold anything that is for your benefit or good. It is in the Bible, Psalms 84:11, KJA. “Because GOD, the Eternal One, is a sun and a shield, the Lord bestows grace and glory. He does not refuse any good to those who live with integrity.”
Promises about health:
We have the promise of health and healing. It’s in the Bible, Jeremiah 30:17, KJA. “Behold, I will heal your wound and heal all your wounds!”, Guarantees Yahweh”
God promises health to us if we listen. It’s in the Bible, Exodus 15:26. “If you listen attentively to the voice of Yahweh your God and do what is right before his eyes, if you listen to his commandments and keep all his laws, no disease will come on you, from those I sent over the Egyptians. For I am Yahweh, the One who restores you! ”
God heals and forgives us. It is in the Bible, Psalm 103: 2-3, KJA. “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and do not forget any of its benefits! It is He who forgives all your sins and heals all your illnesses. “
The Bible promises wisdom and guidance: Gospel Pulpit: This is What Saith the scriptures?
Wisdom is one of God’s promises. It’s in the Bible, James 1: 5, KJA. “If any of you have a lack of wisdom, pray to God, who gives freely to all, with great joy.”
God gives wisdom and guides us. It is in the Bible, Psalm 32: 8, KJA. “I will instruct you and guide you on the path to follow; my eyes will be on you to advise you.”
Do not look to yourself for wisdom. It’s in the Bible, Proverbs 3: 5-7, KJA. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not rely on your own understanding. Know the Lord in all your ways, and He will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and depart from evil. ”
God promises to guide you in His ways. It’s in the Bible, Isaiah 30:21, KJA. “Your ears will hear a word behind you:” This is the Way, follow it now! “
God’s Promises to Children, Family and Marriage:
God will save your children. It’s in the Bible, Isaiah 49:25, KJA. “I will fight with those who fight against you, and as for your children: I will save them!”
Children are a blessing from God. It is in the Bible, Psalm 119: 3-5, KJA. “And, not committing themselves to the practice of iniquities, they follow their ways in the Lord. You have promulgated your precepts, so that they may be observed with diligence. My conduct will be steadfast, so that I may observe your decrees!” Gospel Pulpit: This is What Saith the scriptures?
God calls husbands and wives to a mutually beneficial marriage. It is in the Bible, 1 Corinthians 7: 3, KJA. “The husband must fulfill his conjugal duties to his wife, and, likewise, the wife to her husband.”
This is What Saith the scriptures?
Jesus gave everything for His church, we must do the same. It is in the Bible, Ephesians 5: 25-33, KJA. “Husbands, each of you loves your wife, just as Christ loved his Church and sacrificed himself for her, 26 in order to sanctify her, having purified her by washing the water through the Word, and to present her herself as a glorious Church, without spot or wrinkle or any other imperfection, but holy and blameless. Therefore, a husband must love his wife as he loves his own body. Gospel Pulpit: This is What Saith the scriptures?
Whoever loves his wife loves himself! no one has ever hated his own body, but feeds and cares for it, just as Christ watches over the Church, for we are members of his Body. “For this reason, man will leave father and mother and join his wife, and the two will they will become one flesh.” This is a great mystery, but I mean to the union between Christ and his Church. Therefore, each of you loves your wife as yourself, and the wife should treat her husband with respect. “
God’s promises about peace: Gospel Pulpit: This is What Saith the scriptures?
God promised peace. It is in the Bible, Isaiah 26: 3, KJA. “O Yahweh, you will keep in perfect peace the one whose purpose is based on you, because he places all his trust in you!”
You don’t have to worry. It’s in the Bible, Philippians 4: 6, KJA. “Do not be anxious for any reason; on the contrary, let all your requests be declared in the presence of God through prayer and supplications with thanksgiving.” Gospel Pulpit: This is What Saith the scriptures?
The Bible promises peace as we live according to its principles. It is in the Bible, Psalms 119: 165, KJA. “Great peace has those who love your Law: there is no stumbling block for them!”
God promises to help overcome Temptation:
God promised victory over temptations. It is in the Bible, 1 Corinthians 10:13, KJA. “There was no temptation that was not common to human beings. But God is faithful and will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you can resist. On the contrary, along with temptation, he will provide a deliverance for you to endure.”
God promises the devil will run away and submit to God. It’s in the Bible, James 4: 7-10, KJA. “Therefore, submit yourselves to God. Resist the Devil, and he will flee from you! Draw near to God, and He will welcome you all! Sinners, cleanse your hands, and you who have a mind divided by passions, purify your heart, grieve, repent, and cry. Abandon easy laughter and mourn, exchange your euphoria for grief. Humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you! “
This is What Saith the scriptures?
Jesus promises to help us in our temptations. It’s in the Bible, Hebrews 2:18, KJA. “Considering, therefore, all that He himself suffered when tempted, He is able to help all those who are similarly being attacked by temptation.”

Promises of Liberation and Protection: Gospel Pulpit: This is What Saith the scriptures?
God has promised protection from harm and danger. It is in the Bible, Psalm 91: 4-6, KJA. “He covers you with his feathers, and under his powerful wings you take refuge; his faithfulness is shield and armor. Do not fear the terror that prevails in the dead of night, nor the arrow that seeks its target during the day. “
God’s promises provide security. It’s in the Bible, Proverbs 18:10, KJA. “The Name of the LORD is Torre Forte, under which the righteous seek refuge and remain safe! Gospel Pulpit: This is What Saith the scriptures?
God walks with us in our problems. It is in the Bible, Psalm 138: 7, KJA. “If I walk in the midst of anguish, you make me live again; you stretch out your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and your right-hand save me.”
God’s promises about fear: Gospel Pulpit: This is What Saith the scriptures?
God promised freedom from fear. It is in the Bible, Psalm 34: 4, KJA. “I sought the Lord and he answered me, and from my fears everyone saved me.”
We don’t need to be afraid or afraid. It’s in the Bible, John 14:27, KJA. “I leave you peace; my peace I give you. I do not give it to you as the world gives it. Do not allow your heart to worry, nor allow yourself to be frightened. ”
Fear is removed by the love of God. It is in the Bible, 1 John 4:18, KJA. “There is no fear in love; rather, perfect love casts out all fear. Now, fear presupposes punishment, and the one who fears is not made perfect in love. We love because He loved us first.”
God promises the Second Coming and Resurrection
The Bible promises that the dead will live again. It is in the Bible, John 5: 28-29, KJA. “Do not be surprised at this, for the hour is coming when all who rest in the tombs will hear his voice and go out; those who have done good, for the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, for the resurrection of condemnation. “
Jesus promised that He will come again. It’s in the Bible, John 14: 2-3, KJA. “In my Father’s house, there are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. So I am going to prepare a place for you. And when I am gone and I have prepared a place for you, I will come again and take you for me, so that, wherever I am, you also may be. “
Gospel Pulpit: This is What Saith the scriptures?
God promises that the dead will be raised. It is in the Bible, 1 Thessalonians 4: 15-18, KJA. “We affirm to all of you, by the Word of the Lord, that we who are alive when the Lord’s return comes will certainly not precede those who sleep in it. For, given the command, with the voice of the archangel and the resounding of God’s trumpet, the Lord himself will descend from heaven, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Soon after, we who are alive on earth will be caught up like them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air. And so, we will be with Christ forever! Therefore, comfort one another with these words.”
God’s Promises Explain the End of Suffering and Pain:
He promised an end to death, sorrow and pain. It is in the Bible, Revelation 21: 4, KJA. “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there will be no more death, neither weeping, nor mourning, nor pain because the old order is closed!”
It is in the Bible Explains What Saith the Scriptures: Gospel Pulpit: This is What Saith the scriptures?
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